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Creating a large and significant Polish judo tournament for children is quite a challenge, but it is not enough for the Sharks. The concept of our flagship event from the beginning was accompanied by a vision of a worldwide competition.

We started small - on April 3, 2016 at the sports hall of Primary School No. 4 in Marki, the first edition of SameJudo Cup took place. Nearly 500 competitors from 40 Polish and foreign clubs took part in it. Among guests from outside the country, we hosted teams from Belgium, Russia, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Scotland and Ukraine! The Perfect organization has become the trademark of SameJudo Cup.

The honor guest of our tournament was Paweł Nastula - Olympic Champion, World Champion and European Champion. Adepts of the most beautiful sport discipline that is judo had the opportunity to shake the Master’s hand, get his autograph and take pictures.

From the very beginning, the efforts of the organizers were supported by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, the Embassy of Japan in Poland and the Mayor of the Town of Marki, taking the honorary patronage over this event.
Our media partners helped us present the event in local and country-wide news: Czwórka - Polish Radio (country-wide radiostation), FAMA Wołomin Radio 94.7 FM (local radiostation) and TVP3 Warsaw (local television).


Already during the first edition of the tournament a decision was made to make it two-day event. The enormous interest of the clubs in the first edition and the desire to provide a perfect organization ended up with earlier application closure and not all willing competitors could have started in 2016.

At the same time, intense cooperation with the sports clubs resulted in participation of the athletes from over 20 countries in the second edition, among others from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, France, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Montenegro and the United Kingdom.

Entries for the tournament were closed again a few days before the preliminary date, after reaching the limit of 1000 participants. The sports level of the event is proved by the fact that about one-third of the participants are foreign competitors, and most of the clubs only showed a few of the best players.

The organization of such a big event would be impossible without the involvement of the main sponsors - ASKO S.A. and Victoria Dom. Thanks to cooperation with the partners, the judokas received beautiful medals and great prizes.

The tournament was officially held under the honorary patronage of the Embassy of Japan - the Department of Culture, the Ministry of Sport and Tourism and the Marshal of the Masovian Voivodeship. Mr. Jacek Orych, Mayor of the Town of Marki and honorary patron privileged us with his presence during the competition.

Once again, our media partners ensure public visibility of the event: ipla, Cyfrowy Polsat, TVP Warszawa and RDC.

For the first time during the tournament, we cooperated with the Foundation Judo - Sport against Cancer. During the event, we collected 17.5 liters of blood for Wojtek Ryszewski.


Two editions of great executive success, set the expectations for the third edition very high. Will it be possible to repeat the excellent organization? According to the participants' opinions - we managed and our tournament was again praised for the excellent execution.

In 2017, for the first time we prepared an opening ceremony allowing us to bear the flags of the 15 participating countries. The sport level of the competition is evidenced by the fact that applications from over 1000 participants were made by as many as 71 clubs. The attendance of so many clubs means that the best representatives of their age-weight categories participated in the competition. An interesting fact is that in the first 10 general classification there were only 2 clubs from Poland. The winners again left the podium with great prizes - beautiful cast medals and judogi.

The rank of our event was also emphasized by the honorary patronages awarded by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, the Office of the Marshal of the Masovian Voivodeship, the Embassy of Japan - the Department of Culture, and the Mayor of the Town of Marki.

The medial promotion of the event started before the start of the tournament thanks to local radiostation FAMA Wołomin's 94.7 FM. The first day of the tournament was broadcasted live thanks to cooperation with - Martial Arts Television. TV studio and spectacular fights shown live is a novelty at the children's competitions, thanks to which the promotion of this beautiful sports discipline reached that day far beyond the town of Marki.

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Teraz to już trzy edycje turnieju, każda następna lepsza, większa, mocniejsza od poprzedniej. Czwarta nie mogła tego trendu nie podtrzymać, jednak faktyczna skala wydarzenia przerosła nasze najśmielsze oczekiwania. 

W dniach 23-24 marca 2019 roku Marki stały się polską stolicą judo. Na pięciu matach przygotowanych w Hali sportowo-widowiskowej im. Bożeny Markiewicz w Markach zobaczyliśmy zmagania 1240 zawodników z 21 krajów. O poziomie zawodów niech świadczy fakt, że z 86 klubów obecnych na zawodach aż 50 to kluby zagraniczne. Mieliśmy zaszczyt gościć zawodników nie tylko z Europy - w tym z wiele klubów z bardzo mocnej Rosji i Ukrainy, ale także aż 9 klubów z Azji - z Mongolii, Kirgistanu i Kazachstanu! Ekipy z odległej Azji nie są częstymi gośćmi w Polsce, tym bardziej cieszy nas fakt, że niezwykle chętnie zapowiadali chęć ponownego udziału w zawodach.

O poziomie sportowym zawodów świadczą również organizacje i osoby, które wsparły naszą imprezę patronatem honorowym:
Ministerstwo Sportu i Turystyki Witold Bańka
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Mazowieckiego
Ambasada Japonii - Wydział Kultury
Polski Komitet Olimpijski
Jacek Orych Burmistrz Miasta Marki


W tak mocnych zawodach najlepszych zawodników turnieju uhonorowaliśmy wspaniałymi nagrodami.
W tym roku zawodnicy stający na podium opuszczali halę zmagań z pięknymi odlewanymi medalami (one też stały się nieodłącznym elementem SJC),   dyplomem oraz pamiątkową saszetką. Mistrzowie w swoich kategoriach wiekowo-wagowych nagrodzeni zostali dodatkowo voucherami na judogi oraz biletami wstępu do parku trampolin.


Zdecydowanie była to największa, najlepiej zorganizowana, najchętniej odwiedzana i najmocniejsza sportowe edycja SameJudo Cup. 
Echa turnieju wracały do nas jeszcze bardzo długo po zakończeniu turnieju, między innymi dzięki wsparciu medialnemu. Transmisję online oglądano w 46 krajach, a licznik widzów poszybował niemal 500 000 według oficjalnych danych.  O naszej imprezie nie zapomnieli również widzowie TVP3 Warszawa, Tuby Marek oraz Telewizji Republika. 

Pierwszy raz w historii SameJudo Cup po turnieju zorganizowaliśmy camp, w którym uczestniczyło ponad 100 zawodników z Polski, Ukrainy, Bułgarii, Gruzji, Kirgistanu, Kazachstanu oraz Mongolii.



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